Global AI Safety Commitments Made at Summit


On May 21, sixteen leading companies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) made significant safety commitments at the second global AI summit.

This virtual meeting, hosted by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, aimed to address the rapid advancements and emerging risks in AI technology. Participants included major tech firms from the United States, China, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates, alongside declarations from the Group of Seven (G7) economies, the EU, Singapore, Australia, and South Korea.

Key Commitments to AI Safety

The AI companies present at the summit, including U.S. giants Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI, pledged to prioritize the safe development of AI technologies. These commitments are particularly crucial as regulators strive to keep pace with rapid innovations and associated risks. The companies agreed to publish safety frameworks to measure and mitigate risks, ensuring governance and transparency in their AI development processes.

Global Support and Coordination

The summit received broad support from the G7 major economies, the EU, and other participating nations. The collective agreement emphasized the importance of AI safety, innovation, and inclusivity. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol highlighted the need to protect societal wellbeing and democracy from AI-related risks, such as deepfake technologies.

Participants also stressed the significance of interoperability between governance frameworks and the establishment of a network of safety institutes. These efforts aim to build on agreements from the first global AI summit, enhancing international collaboration to address AI risks effectively.

Industry and Expert Insights

Beth Barnes, founder of METR, a group promoting AI model safety, underscored the necessity of international consensus on “red lines” where AI development could pose unacceptable dangers to public safety. Meanwhile, Yoshua Bengio, a renowned AI researcher, welcomed the safety commitments but emphasized that voluntary actions must be supported by robust regulations.

Aidan Gomez, co-founder of Cohere, noted that the focus of AI regulation discussions has shifted from long-term existential threats to more practical concerns, such as the use of AI in medicine and finance. This shift reflects a growing recognition of AI’s immediate impact on critical sectors and the need for precise regulatory frameworks.

Diverse Global Participation: The summit featured diverse participation from global AI leaders, including companies from China like (backed by Alibaba), Tencent, Meituan, and Xiaomi, as well as the UAE’s Technology Innovation Institute. Other notable attendees included Amazon, IBM, and Samsung Electronics. These companies committed to avoiding AI models where risks could not be adequately mitigated, reinforcing the importance of transparency and governance.

While China did not attend the virtual session, it co-signed the “Bletchley Agreement” on managing AI risks at the first summit in November. A South Korean presidential official confirmed that China would participate in an in-person ministerial session scheduled for Wednesday.

High-Profile Attendees

The summit attracted prominent figures from the AI industry, including Tesla’s Elon Musk, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Samsung Electronics‘ Chairman Jay Y. Lee. Their participation highlights the high stakes and broad interest in ensuring the safe development and deployment of AI technologies.

Looking Ahead: The next global AI summit is set to take place in France, reflecting the ongoing commitment to international cooperation on AI safety. As AI continues to evolve, these summits provide crucial platforms for stakeholders to collaborate, share insights, and establish guidelines that protect public safety and promote responsible innovation.


The second global AI summit marked a significant step towards ensuring the safe and ethical development of AI technologies. With commitments from leading tech companies and support from major economies, the collaborative efforts underscore the importance of addressing AI risks proactively. As the world prepares for the next summit in France, the focus remains on fostering innovation while safeguarding societal wellbeing and democracy in the age of artificial intelligence.

More News: Artificial Intelligence

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