Threads: No FOMO Needed, Yet Here We Are

Don't deserve my fomo

My heart, stay still. Don’t let FOMO overwhelm you and weigh me down with another social network. Despite this, it’s proving difficult to fight off the newest craze – Threads, Facebook’s millionth Twitter clone and now the top app on Apple’s app store. Facebook is cleverly integrating Threads into Instagram’s marketing.

I see that ____, ____, and one other person have begun using Threads for the first time on my notifications screen. That meme of Arthur’s Fist comes to mind, and I wonder if I’m getting too tired of this.

I’ve long complained about Twitter, and now I’m being presented with a more boring version of the app. Yet, despite my doubts, I can hear the buzz among those in my network, and it seems like people are really talking about Threads.

”Yesterday as I was driving to my appointment with an allergist, I was listening to the radio and heard the DJ mention the app Threads. They said, “Everyone is signing up for Threads right now.

It’s like the first day of school, and everyone is trying to showcase their best jokes. However, if you ever want to delete your Threads account, you have to delete your Instagram account as well.”

Natalie Christman, our resident social expert, suggested that reporters share our Threads usernames with her if we wanted to be tagged on the app. In a separate friend group Slack, my friends talked about Threads several times.

At first, I ignored them, but when writing this post, I went back to see what they said. One friend joked, “Should I sign up for Threads for the inevitable $2 class action settlement?” I have hilarious friends.

@harri is not available. Stay strong!

At our band’s rehearsal, our bassist told us she had joined Threads and was gaining a lot of followers. Our singer refused to join, saying she was “becoming a boomer.” I said I would never join, but I then suggested that the band should get on Threads.

I began to consider joining. It wasn’t the worst thing to do, and I knew that I would probably stop using it in a few weeks anyway. I had nothing to gain or lose from joining.

I have given Bluesky, a Twitter clone, a fair shot, but I still use Twitter for my own displeasure. It’s clear that Threads isn’t particularly innovative or secure, so I doubt that the hype will last for any of the Twitter clones, no matter who makes it.

Even if Facebook has a successful long-term hit on its hands, it’s hard to imagine how many people will even remember the other Twitter clones.

Users of Threads, let me ask you: am I missing out on something? Is Facebook too conservative to compete with Twitter? If I could just take a look at your screens…